Ploughe, LW, Smith, NG, Schuster, MJ, Dukes, JS. (2021) “Increased rainfall variability and nitrogen deposition accelerate background reduction in plant community diversity in a mesic tallgrass prairie” Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3313
Ploughe, LW, Fraser LH. (2021) “Revegetation of degraded ecosystems into grasslands using biosolids as an organic amendment: A meta-analysis” Applied Vegetation Science. DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12558
Gagnon, A, Ploughe, LW, Harris, M, Gardner, W, Fraser LH. (2021) “Influence of biosolids and inorganic fertilizer amendments on plant community composition on a copper mine tailing facility over a 17-yr period. Applied Vegetation Science (In revision)
Foster, JG, Ploughe, LW, Akin-Fajiye, M, Singh, JP, Bottos, E, Van Hamme, J, Fraser, LH, (2020) “Exploring trophic effects of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L.) on arthropod diversity using DNA metabarcoding” Food Webs DOI: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2020.e00157
Baethke, KA, Ploughe, LW, Gardner, W, Fraser, LH, (2020) “Native seedling colonization at a restored mine is constrained by site conditions despite restoration efforts to decrease seed- and microclimate-limitations” Minerals. DOI: 10.3390/min10040361
Ploughe, LW, Carlyle, C. Fraser LH. (2020) “Colonization history and the order of arrival of an invasive grass, Bromus Tectorum, alters productivity in plant communities composed of native and exotic grasses” Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6908
Ploughe, LW, Jacobs, EM, Frank, GS, Greenler, SM, Smith, MD, Dukes, JS, (2019) “Community Response to Extreme Drought (CRED): a framework for drought‐induced shifts in plant‐plant interactions” New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.15595
Ploughe, LW, Dukes, JS. (2019) “Understory plant composition and nitrogen transformations resistant to changes in seasonal precipitation” Ecosphere DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2747
Book chapter
Ploughe, LW, Dukes, JS. “Invasive plants of North America.” In Global Plant Invasions. Eds. Clements, David R, Upadhyaya Mahesh K, Joshi, Srijana, and Shrestha, Anil. (In print)
In print
In prep
Ploughe, LW, Singh, JP, Fraser, Akin-Fajiye, M, Fraser, LH. “Elevational variation in responses to large herbivore grazing and climate change on ecosystem multifunctionality (EMF) in the grasslands of the southern interior of British Columbia” TJ: Global Change Biology (In prep)
Singh, JS, Ploughe, LW, Fraser, LH. “Ecological and geochemical costs of knapweed invasion in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem” TJ: Biological Invasions (In prep)
Akin-Fajiye, M, Ploughe, LW, Greenhall, A, Fraser, LH. "Warming and reduced water availability change biotic interactions between exotic species and forage grasses in a semiarid grassland" TJ: Journal of ecology
Ploughe, LW, Dukes, JS. “Timing and duration of drought alter productivity, phenology, and community composition in a Midwestern tallgrass prairie” TJ: Global Change Biology (In prep)
Ploughe, LW, Fraser, LH. “Find new roadsTM? Impact of off-road vehicle (ORV) use on soil physiochemical properties, plant communities, and wildlife” TJ: Frontiers Ecology and Evolution (In prep; abstract accepted)
Denesiuk, D, Ploughe, LW, Fraser, LH. “Grazing Management for climate change adaptation and mitigation: Soil physiochemical responses to intensively- and extensively-grazed management systems” Target journal (TJ): Rangeland Ecology and Management (In prep)
*TJ = Target journal